2018年には6枚組アーカイヴCDボックスも作られた、ピエール・アンリ、ベルナール・パルメジャーニら自国の巨匠等の影響下にありつつも独自の世界を作り続けてきたフランスの音楽家Lionel Marchetti。本作はINA-GRMによって委託されGRMスタジオにて録音した、10歳前後の2人の幼い子供たちAdeleとHadrienと共に作り上げた隠れ名作2CD[Adèle Et Hadrien]。試聴を聞いての通り二人が発する会話、物音、生活音をマテリアルに幻想的且つオブスキュアな配列が試みられており、その音環境へとズリズリと引き込む非常に危険度の高い没入型サウンドスケープ。コレは激ヤバです。
Lionel Marchetti's 'Adèle et Hadrien' is a captivating document of a holiday of Adèle and Hadrien, two young children around 10 years old. The recordings view a glimpse into the world of Adèle and Hadrien, who go swimming, are startled by strange sounds, and ponder the existence of bugs. They argue with their parents and make jokes, and although Adèle and Hadrien speak French, understanding the French language is not a prerequisite for getting a glimpse into their world.
Marchetti practices his 'sonic ethnography' in a highly skilled and playful manner by taking part in the world of Adèle and Hadrien. In fact, Marchetti captures the journey of Adèle and Hadrien so eloquently that his recordings seem proof that the two children were highly accustomed to the presence of the composer. The microphone at times appears to be 'reduced' and merely floating in mid-air, patiently yet curiously registering the activities of the two children, thereby inviting the listener to join Adèle and Hadrien in their fascination of the world.
By intertwining recordings of Adèle and Hadrien with processed sounds, Marchetti crafts a beautiful journey, which further develops the sonic vocabulary he developed on earlier releases: deep and sometimes almost inaudible drones looming in the background, sudden turns and singularities that open up a new realm of possibilities, and a vast array of sounds that build an intriguing narrative. Two highly immersive discs that draw the listener into a complex and vibrant sonic environment. Highly recommended.
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