ホーム | -----R > Re:VoirPaul Clipson "Landscape Dissolves" [DVD]

Paul Clipson "Landscape Dissolves" [DVD]

価格: 3,597円(税込)
Label: Re:Voir

当店では2008~2010年頃まで積極的に出版されていたJ.C. Ledesmaとの共作DVDを全て紹介、2018年に惜しくも他界したアブストラクトな世界を得意とするフィルムメーカーのPaul Clipson。氏が亡くなる1年程前から制作が始まったという、主にエクスペリメンタル&アンビエント系の音楽家のサントラを使った共作プロジェクトのコレクションDVDが遂にRe:Voirから登場!! ラインアップの通り、Tashi Wada、Lawrence English、Grouper、Fennesz、Che Chen、Jefre Cantu-Ledesmaなどの人気作家との作品を網羅。色彩の美しさだけではない、独特のダイナミズム、詩的感覚等、氏のビジョンを余す事なく体感出来ます。

[Paul Clipson’s films] are a photo-chemical catalog of the visible world, charged with psychic energy, scored partly by chance, and imbued with a generosity of being.
-Otie Wheeler, MUBI Notebook

Clipson’s fillms are unique to the contemporary moment in their visual intensity, but also in their commitment to a realm beyond language, beyond the culture of ‘information.’ Clipson wants to deliver us knowledge of the world—real, discrete, actual things.
-Dan Browne, San Francisco Cinematheque

“Paul and I worked on this project for a little over a year before his passing. Deciding on a grouping of works that would constitute a ‘Selected Films’ proved no easy feat. The titling, selection and sequencing of films, and the images used for the jacket and booklet have been presented exactly as Paul wanted. It has been an honor to put together and realize this collection, which I believe captures something of the breadth, dynamism, poetry, and rare beauty of Paul’s cinematic vision.

This project would not be possible without the support of Yelena Soboleva and Anya Kamenskaya.”
-Alex Cobb, February 2019

A co-release with Students of Decay : https://studentsofdecay.com/

CHORUS 2009-2010, 7’ music by Gregg Kowalsky
LIGHT FROM THE MESA 2010, 7’ music by Barn Owl
ABSTEIGEND 2012, 7’ music by Evan Caminiti
LANDSCAPE DISSOLVES 2012, 6’ music by Alex Cobb
ORIGIN 2009-2012, 9’ music by Che Chen
PULSARS E QUASARS 2014, 4’ music by Arp
VOID REDUX 2013, 6’ music by Barn Owl
BRIGHT MIRROR 2013, 9’ music by Jefre Cantu-Ledesma
LIGHT YEAR 2013, 10’ music by Tashi Wada
DISPORTING WTH A SHADOW 2015, 4’ music by Alex Cobb
THE LIQUID CASKET / WILDERNESS OF MIRRORS 2014, 9’ music by Lawrence English
MADE OF AIR 2014, 11’ music by Grouper
LIGHTHOUSE 2015, 5’ music by King Midas Sound/Fennesz
FEELER 2016, 7’ music by Sarah Davachi