CD、LP、カセットフォーマットにて何度も再発されている1982年出版のNWW初期タイトル[Homotopy To Marie]。本作はパッケージにも強い拘りを持つフランスRotoreliefが手掛けたシルバーのハードカバーブック+ 2CDの特装リイシュー版!! ステイプルトンによるアートワークを24ページに渡り掲載、ディスク1にはオリジナルの4曲を、そしてディスク2にはL.A.Y.L.A.HやUnited Dairiesのコンピレーション音源のリワーク版(?)等を収録。パッケージ、内容共に激激オススメの一作。
Homotopy To Marie is the fifth album by Nurse With Wound, released in 1982, created by Steven Stapleton, music and sleeve.
The album is “a step on from the Dadaist rock of Merzbild Schwet, with much use of tape manipulation and classical avant-garde techniques”. The album which combined tape edits with resonating gong tones and disembodied children’s voices to create a sonic collage far removed from the harsh improvisations of the group’s early albums.
The title of the brief closing track derives from a passage from Les Chants de Maldoror, a surreal poetic novel written by Le Comte de Lautréamont. This appropriation of a phrase from Maldoror is shared in common with the title of Nurse With Wound’s debut album Chance Meeting on a Dissecting Table of a Sewing Machine and an Umbrella; both phrases appear in Lautréamont’s work.
The album was first issued on Stapleton’s own United Dairies label on vinyl, cassette and later in remastered compact disc including an extra track « Astral Dustbin Dirge »
This masterpiece reissue, is the official full double album from the original recording sessions. The 4 tracks from the original LP plus additional recordings from the same period.
This second, double album masterpiece in the Silver Collection of Nurse With Wound albums, is a technically better, crystal clear performance, in comparison to the original 1982 cut.
Accompanying the Silver Series is the beautiful 24 sewn art pages of artworks by Steven Stapleton, in a deluxe silver hardcover book + 2CD version.
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