ホーム | -----C > Corbett vs. DempseyHans Reichel "Wichlinghauser Blues" [CD]

Hans Reichel "Wichlinghauser Blues" [CD]

価格: 2,607円(税込)
Label: Corbett vs. Dempsey - CvsD CD033

あらゆるエクスペリメンタルな音楽好きにオススメしたい超名作!!ドイツのギタリストで楽器発明家、そしてなんと言っても木片を小型のマイクボックスに取りつけ弓で擦る木製の実験楽器"ダクソフォン"を生み出した事で有名なHans Reichel。本作が名門FMPに73年に残した1st LP[Wichlinghauser Blues]。オリジナルテープからのリマスター仕様で初CD化。改造した11弦ホームメイドギターのみを用い、ガッコンガッコンと最早ギター云々では無い硬質な音断片を生み落していく笑える程にカッコ良いアルバム。2ndと合わせて是非。Corbett vs. Dempseyの仕事は本当に素晴らしい。大推薦。



Originally released on FMP in 1973, this is the debut LP by legendary German guitar improvisor and instrument inventor Hans Reichel (1949-2011), a resonant and hilarious document of the nascent genius, recording his peculiar and wondrous music alone in a studio. Acoustic and unfiltered electric guitars turned back into the supremely malleable instruments they were before they'd been firmly encoded as tools for rock or pop or jazz. Reichel is like an improvising Harry Partch, investigating the genesis of lute music. Never before available on CD, remastered from original tapes, packaged lovingly with a gatefold and tip-on cover, reprinting the original design, which was by Reichel.


1. Wenn das Rohr Dommeit (4:04)
2. Lupi (0:27)
3. Wichlinghauser Blues (6:40)
4. Krampfhandlungen 1st Version (5:45)
5. Allegro (3:20)
6. Krampfhandlungen 2nd Version (7:08)
7. Abendlied (4:17)
8. Alfons “Al” Piepenbrink & his Lonely Wah-Wah Pedal (1:38)
9. Shaved Guitar (3:26)
10. Schlafflied (3:41)

Hans Reichel, guitar

All compositions by Hans Reichel.

Remark: All tunes have been taped as played (indeed).
A homemade 11-string guitar (3 pickups) has been used for all tunes except the first one.

LP originally released on FMP (FMP 0150, 1973).
Recorded by Joachim Ehrig between April and June 1973, at home, at Youth-Center Hagen-Haspe, and at EROC-Studios in Hagen.
LP produced by Jost Gebers.
LP design by Hans Reichel.
Photographs by Ulf Wolf and Dagmar Gebers.
CD mastering by Olaf Rupp.
CD design by David Giordano. Publication editor, Corbett vs. Dempsey, Emily Letourneau. CD produced by John Corbett.