Peter Tscherkasskyも激賞する激ヤバフィルム!!オーストリアにて活動する監督、脚本家、フィルムメーカーであるマルチメディアアーティストVirgil Widrichの1998年かた2019年の近作まで全10作品を纏めたRe:Voirからのショートフィルム集。18,000枚のコピーフレームで構成された、実写でもアニメーションでもない不思議なイメージを描き出す驚愕のモノクロフィルム[Copy Shop]、1950年代および1960年代の有名映画からネタを拝借し、それらを鏡やらキャンバスに投影し複雑な3次元映像を作り上げた、夢と現実が重なり合う超傑作[In Back Track]、更には初出となる2つのボーナスを追加した凄まじい完成度の全79分間。
Probably the single most startling new discovery was 12-minutes short [Copy Shop] by young Austrian director Virgil Widrich. The film consists of 18.000 photocopied frames, making it neither strictly live action nor animation, and the blurry black-and-white makes it look like a lost Murnau film.
-The Guardian
A kiss, a happy couple. But then, the woman is kidnapped, and the man sets off to save her. A dramatic rescue story full of wild chase scenes begins. The audience is taken to the center of the Earth and the enemy’s headquarters. On its surface, Fast Film tells a simple story. The catch is that all its scenes were taken from 300 different works produced in the course of film history. This tour de force through film history, from its silent beginnings to present- day Hollywood, lasts just 14 minutes: truly a fast film which could hardly be more furious.
-Peter Tscherkassky
[In Back Track] Virgil Widrich compiles film excerpts from the 1950s and 1960s and translates the resulting remix of images through multiple projections on mirror and canvas constructions into a hand- built three-dimensionality. The visual levels collide (physically), and dream and reality superimpose and dissolve: an audiovisual hall of mirrors in ragingly beautiful black-and-white.
-Sebastian Höglinger, Diagonal
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