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Canadian Rifles "Atoll" [Cassette]

価格: 1,287円(税込)
Label: Audio. Visuals. Atmosphere. - AVA73

現在はポルトガルのEastern Nurseriesを中心にシングルやEP作品を発表しているCanadian RiflesことRui P. Andrade。本作はそれ以前に発表されていた唯一のアルバム作品[Atoll]。かなりエッジのキツイ雑音を挟みつつも、街の雑踏や物音を上手く使い、パッケージイメージ通りの淡い音色が並ぶクラシカルな作風に仕上げた8曲。55部限定。


Blood rushes as the tide roars, verve keeps the frame from flooding. The swarming glory of white chords hold the key of a seashore renaissance.

A monologue of hushed voices conquer lightning pulses in a canopy of clouds. Several explorations of elegant serenades written on shells. Ripples of volume yearn to break the spell of the blue sanctuary. In anticipation of a narrative of understanding the geography of the sky provokes its invitation.

C35. Edition of 55.