ホーム | -----I > IIKKIFederico Durand "Te De Flores Silvestres" [CD]

Federico Durand "Te De Flores Silvestres" [CD]

価格: 2,387円(税込)
Label: IIKKI

英エクスペリメンタル/アンビエントの大ベテランAndrew Chalkとも共作を発表し、日本人作家とも多く共演しているFederico Durand。植物標本ハーバリウムをコンセプトとした2021年作[Herbario]が当店にてかなりを人気を博した作家ですが、本作は3年越しとなる待望の2024年7月の発表タイトル[Te De Flores Silvestres]。植物的イメージ、緩やか且つ少し歪んだ抽象メロディー、地元の静かな山間らしき情景の清々しいフィールドレコーディング、全てが有機的マテリアルで構築された前作同様に激推しの仕上がり。

• Glass mastered CD
• Digisleeve : white cardboard 300 gm
• Outside : adhesive glossy paper
• x 2 Stickers
• Insert with credits
• Handmade & hand numbered limited edition to 150 copies

"Té De Flores Silvestres" is the result of the dialogue between the Belgium photographer Michael Roemers and the Argentinian musician Federico Durand initiated by IIKKI, between February 2023 and May 2024.

the complete project works in two physical imprints:
a book and a disc (vinyl/cd)
it should be experienced in different ways :
the book read alone
the disc listened to alone
the book and the disc read and listened to together.


Federico Durand’s music is a weave of sound searching introspection and delight through simple melodies, made in the heart of Argentina. Federico likes music, gardens, John Keats’ poetry, collecting stamps and Earl Grey tea. Since 2010 he has been released on some labels such as 12k, Home Normal, IIKKI, Spekk, White Paddy Mountain, LAAPS and more.