ホーム | -----B > BINTonni Claire "Kosmiske Ambitioner" [10"]

Tonni Claire "Kosmiske Ambitioner" [10"]

価格: 2,277円(税込)
Label: BIN BIN 00-39

100部限定。デンマークより毎度非常に興味深いサウンドアート物件を届けてくれるJonas Olesen主宰のBIN。そのJonas Olesenとユニット"マスキネルテラピー"としても活動、そして毎度ソロ作が当店大人気となる女性作家Sandra Bossが変名Tonni Claireとして作品を発表!! 自分が男になり巧みに電子オルガンを演奏するという夢から得たイメージをそのまま作品にしたもので、いつもの風変わりなコンセプトとは違い、ヤマハエレクトーンC-605、ローランドSH-2000、カシオMT-400Vを用いた不思議なキーボードミュージック。レイモンドスコット、またUltra Eczemaのリリースで注目されたMiauxにも繋がったりもする彼女らしい変則的な作風が並びます。折り畳み式のポスターが付属。



A few years back I had a dream. I dreamt I was a man. I was sitting by an electronic organ playing very virtuously. The music had a reminiscence of kitch organ party music, but with an esoterically twist that made it appear more unpredictable.
In the dream, my name was Tonni Claire, and the music I played was called Cosmic Ambitions.

The dream most certainly appeared because I had been sleeping next to a Yamaha Electone C-605 for a couple of weeks. A kind person had given it to me as a gift. At that time, I lived in a small two-room flat, and the bedroom was the only place where this huge instrument (80 kg) could fit in. After having dreamt this dream, I decided to start working on the music of Tonni Claire.

Instruments used: Yamaha Electone C-605, Roland SH-2000, Casio MT-400V.
Comes with a fold-out poster.
Limited edition of 100 copies.