ホーム | -----A > Another TimbreBarbara Monk Feldman ”Verses" [CD]

Barbara Monk Feldman ”Verses" [CD]

価格: 2,387円(税込)
Label: Another Timbre - at177

米重鎮コンポーザーMorton Feldmanの妻Barbara Monk FeldmanがAnother Timbreよりソロ音源をリリース!!恐らく過去に個人名義でリリースしたのは米Modeからの[The Northern Shore]だけであり、本作はそこから9年振りに発表された88年〜97年までの楽曲を収録した新録音源集。本作の演奏はシュトックハウゼンの[Kontakte]等を録っている男女デュオ"GBSR Duo"と、Apartment Houseの女性バイオリンプレイヤーMira Benjaminが担当。室内楽とピアノ及びパーカッション・ソロの5つの楽曲からなり、どれも程よい重みのある静寂で美しい内容となっています。

Five chamber and solo works by the Canadian composer Barbara Monk Feldman.

"I have been thinking about what is inside and what is outside. The everyday life and tragedy of what goes on around you, and the fact that to accomplish anything you need the isolation in the studio - I think about this moral issue. And then on another level, I think about an inside and an outside for art itself, and how ephemeral that is....What I am looking for is a way to notate the most intangible aspect of the music – for me that is the colour. Colour is not only the instrumentation. It also involves the ‘weight’ of the tones, and a kind of gravity in the relationship of the sound and silence, as well as the spacing of duration and registration."