ホーム | -----H > Hiddenbell RecordsChristian Wolfarth "39 / Part I - III" [CD]

Christian Wolfarth "39 / Part I - III" [CD]

価格: 2,387円(税込)
Label: Hiddenbell Records

フィールドレコーディング、物体音も取り入れたヤバい編成!!当店にて以前から自主レーベルHiddenbell Recordsの音源を激推しで紹介している、スイスにて活動するドラマー/パーカッショニストChristian Wolfarth。タイトルが示唆するように全39トラックを用いた音源を3パート編成にて組み立てた、あらゆるシチュエーションの"叩く音"の重奏ミックス!!教会の鐘、枯れ木、太鼓、松ぼっくり、石、水、足音などが素材として使われ、オブスキュアなミニマル音塊として提示されています。

The piece consists, as the title suggests, of three parts. Each of these parts contains a so-called large form. These consist of 39 tracks each and are played on deadwood, a drum, and on 39 pine cones, respectively. The note values, the corresponding rests, as well as the tempi are rolled. In part, the durations of the individual sequences are also determined with the dice according to a strict concept. Besides the mentioned sound sources, stones, water, footsteps, church bells, etc. also appear on this production. These sound events occur partly again 3, or 9 x.

With this game I wanted to overcome my musical habits and certain formal aspects somewhat, or question them.