キャリアは40年以上、音楽活動を通していく中でフォークやジャズ、スポークン・ワード、ワールドミュージックを取り込み独自のアヴァンギャルド音楽を開拓していったフランスの歌手ブリジット・フォンテーヌ。とりわけ実験色が強い本国のSaravahに残した最初期名作の一枚、69年[Comme À La Radio]のCDリイシュー版。当時フランスに来ていたArt Ensemble Of Chicagoと共演した奇跡のセッションであり、非常に洗練された前衛音楽、コンテンポラリージャズ、アートロックを生み出した大大大傑作。当店激オススメのアントワーヌ・ロワイエ、レオノール・ブーランジェらLe Sauleを好まれる方は是非。
eaturing Areski Belkacem and The Art Ensemble of Chicago, Comme À La Radio is the sophomore album in Brigitte Fontaine's prolific career. While her debut, Brigitte Fontaine Est...Folle, is a unique take on French chanson, here The Art Ensemble provides the perfect setting for Fontaine's exploration of free-verse poetry. Often arrhythmic and spoken, her vocals command the same spontaneity and grace that her collaborators applied to their instruments.
The album's eight-minute title track sets the tone: a sparse bass line keeps time as Fontaine dances around stabs of flute and trumpet. On "Tanka II," named for a form of concise Japanese poetry, Areski (who provides percussion throughout) plays hand-drums atop flurries of bass as Fontaine coos and whispers pensively, gradually uttering controversial phrases. "L'Été L'Été" centers around a repeated motif with individual lines of high-pitched melody on a bed of muted horns. Each track is its own world, with Fontaine's incredible range, both in style and substance, acting as the glue between the immense talent involved. The overall effect is chilling, and it is no surprise that Comme À La Radio is often cited as Fontaine's best known work.
Track Listing:
Comme À La Radio
Tanka II
Le Brouillard
J'Ai Vingt Six Ans
L'Été L'Été
Les Petits Chevaux
Tanka I
Lettre A Monsieur Le Chef De Gare De La Tour De Carol
Le Goudron (Bonus)
Le Noir C’Est Mieux Choisi (Bonus)
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