ホーム | -----U > Unseen WorldsJacqueline Humbert And David Rosenboom "J.Jasmine: My New Music" [LP]

Jacqueline Humbert And David Rosenboom "J.Jasmine: My New Music" [LP]

価格: 3,377円(税込)
Label: Unseen Worlds - UW16

当店レーベルから回顧録2CD[Roundup]をリリースしている米重鎮音楽家David Rosenboomがプロデュースした、エクスペリメタル及びジャズ、アシッドフォークが混在する歴史的超名作!!1978年にJacqueline Humbertが個人名義でリリース、映画祭のために作られ、なんと同米国の重鎮David Behrman、大ベテラン・ボーカリストのSam Ashleyまでが参加したという豪華メンツの録音。試聴の通りRosenboomの疾走するピアノがメチャクチャカッコ良く、実験系ファンでなくともその完成度には必ず魅了される筈。

Privately pressed to LP in 1978 under the name J. Jasmine and made especially for the Ann Arbor Film Festival, with artistic collaboration from the festival’s founder and Once Group artist, George Manupelli, My New Music is the debut album by Jacqueline Humbert and David Rosenboom. Featuring a cast of Mills College personalities like David Behrman and Sam Ashley on backup vocal duties, this song cycle is at every turn boundary-pushing and gender-busting, yet still hilarious, sweet, and genuine, all delivered in a post-genre, art-song, cabaret musical style that happens to boast some serious avant-garde chops, courtesy of Rosenboom. If it weren’t so spot on, you’d swear it was a guilty pleasure. As J. Jasmine writes, My New Music is a collection of personal stories and private desires, exposed, articulated, performed and dedicated to the hope that one person's fantasies can contribute to another person's freedom. Get lost in J. Jasmine’s world for a little long while, and be free.