1979年にBernd KastnerとSiegfried Michail Syniugaのデュオとして誕生、83年より音盤リリースを始め英老舗Touchにも数種の作品を残し90年代半ばに解散したインダストリアル・プロジェクトStrafe Für Rebellion。自家製の楽器、ガラクタ、フィールド録音を駆使し抽象的なビート作り続けたユニットが、復活後に制作したフルアルバム[The Bird Was Stolen]。勢いはあるもののゴリ押し一辺倒ではなくコラージュを多用しストレンジな音響や品のあるリズムを投下、アルバムとしてのバランス感がとても面白い14曲編成。
The bird was stolen because the donkey was sleepy
Based in Düsseldorf, Germany, Strafe F.R. is a long-term collaboration between the artists Bernd Kastner and S. M. Syniuga, which started in 1979. After a long period of hibernation, The Bird Was Stolen marks their return to Touch following four previous releases in the 80s and early 90s.
From their early connection with the local scene, centred around the Ratinger Hof in Düsseldorf, Strafe went on to develop a unique and influential form of sound sculpture that pioneered the use of field recordings alongside home-made instruments and the use of the studio as a performance space.
A new track, ‘Virgin’, which appeared on the recent Touch Movements CD/book, gave an early indication that they are back at the peak of their powers. The Bird Was Stolen presents 14 new compositions that push the signature sound of Strafe F.R.
Strafe Für Rebellion is Bernd Kastner and Siegfried M. Syniuga
All songs recorded by Strafe F.R. in 2017 at STRAFE Studio, Düsseldorf, Germany.
Thanks to Detlef Klepsch for technical support and for helping with the mix down.
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