ホーム | -----A > AntsManuel Zurria "Again & Again" [2 × CD]

Manuel Zurria "Again & Again" [2 × CD]

価格: 3,157円(税込)
Label: Ants - AG23

重鎮達の楽曲を完全に自分のものとした最高峰の名演集!!イタリアのフルート奏者Manuel Zurriaによるミニマリズム・プロジェクト最終章!!Die Schachtel、Mode、Another Timbre、Mazagranに残した諸作や、巨匠達との共演、またその演奏で知られるフルート奏者/マルチインストゥルメンタリストのベテランManuel Zurria。自国の電子音楽 & コンテンポラリー作品を手掛ける老舗Antsより発表したミニマル演奏の集大成的2CD[Again & Again]。まず驚かされるのは、Philip Glass、Terry Rileyの名曲群、Steve Reichに於いてはクラッピング・ミュージックまでをこなし、更には個人的にも完全にツボなハンガリーのTibor Szemzoの名作[Water-Wonder]、James Tenneyの極太ドローン[Harmonium]、そして極め付けは2019年11月にAnother Timbreから発表されたばかりのスロバキアの作曲家Adrian Democの超名曲[Kvarteto]までをやってのけるという、とにかくズバ抜けた選曲の良さとその技術の凄まじさ!!それを単なる"演奏"に止める事なく独自のものとして再解釈、完全に自身の感性に適応させ新たな作品として見事に提示しています。Antsならではカッチリとしたダブルジャケ。帯付き。







This is the third and final chapter of a project/research on "minimalisms" that the Italian flutist Manuel Zurria, acclaimed instrumentalist and passionate lover of the more adventurous contemporary music, began in 2007. The double CD include near two and a half hours of music, which reveal how much different the approaches to the beloved "minimalist" verb can be. And how much an inquiring and participatory interpretation can lead to exciting results.

In this brilliant collection Zurria not only "plays" pieces by some of the most important and exciting composers on the international scene, but "it makes them its own", reinterprets them, adapts them to his sensitivity, finally making a "version" that transcends the limits of the genre. Here you find an exhilarating review (transgressive but, in a personal and deep way, "faithful") where the research spirit of Zurria introduces us to old and new authors from Eastern Europe (such as Sáry, Szemző, Demoč, Kabelis, Mažulis) and makes us re-know essential musicians such as Riley, Reich, Glass, Tenney, Skempton, Volans.

Music that will make you fly!!

Manuel Zurria is an Italian flutist and multi-instrumentalist of international fame. He worked with composers such as Sylvano Bussotti, Aldo Clementi, Alvin Lucier, Salvatore Sciarrino. Composers from around the world wrote pieces for him; in between them Giancarlo Cardini, Philip Corner, Noah Creshevsky, Bernhard Lang, Mary Jane Leach, James Saunders, Stefano Scodanibbio, Jacob TV and many many others.
As a performer he played the music of Terry Riley, Arvo Part, Frederic Rzewski, Alvin Curran, Kevin Volans and a plethora of others, all around the world in international festival and concert series.
He recorded wih BMG Ariola, Mode, Stradivarius, Ricordi, Die Schachtel, EdiPan, Capstone, Another Timbre, Mazagran, Megadisc, ANTS. He's author of a unique discographic project on Minimalism in 3 parts and 7 CDs ("Repeat!" by Die Schachtel -2007-, "Loops4ever" by Mazagran -2011- and "Again & Again" by ANTS -2020-).