レーベルWalter Ulbricht Schallfolienを主宰、また2003年までハンブルグにてレコードショップも運営していたUli RehbergのソロユニットDitterich von Euler-DonnerspergのLP。自身も関与しているWerkbund、Mechthild Von Leuschユニット同様にミニマルなループを軸としながらも、それと物音やフィールドレコーディングによるコラージュで構築した意欲作。激激オススメ。
here are few clues as to the true identity of Ditterich von Euler-Donnersperg (and I have no idea who der kleine Fritz is or where Klopstockland might be located); but that only makes this wonderfully strange record from Hamburg all the more fascinating. Filled to the gills with odd German voices, collaged field recordings that sound curiously vintage, Mac start up sounds, and a wonderland hodgepodge of electronics, this is one of the most inspired records thus far this year. (Inspired by what, of course, is a whole other kettle of fish).
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