話題となったLimpe Fuchs、Anima-Soundの貴重音源発掘、またGuru GuruやFaustまで、激ヤバなエクスペリメンタル、即興、クラウトロックの再発を行なっている、1997年にフィルムメーカーのDietmar PostとLucíaPalaciosによって設立されたPlay Loud! Productions。ここが2016年頃から発表し始めた、本国ドイツの知られざるアヴァンギャルド、アートロック、ポストパンク・グループをアーカイヴしていくメチャクチャ内容の良い音源揃いのシリーズ。本作はその単体ものとして発表された第一弾作品、 Robert & Ronald Lippok兄弟が結成した東ベルリンのエクスペリメンタル、パンクユニットOrnament & Verbrechenの知られざる1988年カセット音源(録音は84~89)を初LP化したもの。煙が充満する様に立ち昇る音像、気怠く怪しさ満載のボーカル、完全に落とし込むマッシヴなシンセ、全てが恐ろしく歪みまくった最高の楽曲編成。カセットに使用されたオリジナルアートワークをジャケット裏面に掲載。
In 1988, the legendary freakwave out fit Ornament & Verbrechen handed out some 20 to 30 copies of their „Rotmaul-Tape“ to friends. The band, formed by the Lippok brothers, emerged from the first East Berlin punk group Rosa Extra and the avant-wave project Fünf Wochen im Ballon. From the moment of O&V’s inception, the band was the wellspring for many acts that would subsequently branch o ff as tributaries and streams in the East Berlin underground music community. Bands like Aufruhr zur Liebe and projects like Corp Cruid, The Local Moon and Bleibeil originated in the environment or from the collaboration with a band that functioned like an open house in the closed institution GDR. By 1995 To Rococo Rot and Tarwater had formed from this tried-and-tested framework, pursuing the template without copying it. After the GDR infarction in 1989, the project Ornament & Verbrechen continued to glow, sparking new ideas and flaring up again today.
tapetopia is a series of vinyl releases based on cassettes from the East Germany’s 80s underground, particularly from the East Berlin „Mauerstadt“ music scene, featuring original lay-outs and track lists. For over 30 years after their initial “release” the music on these tapes was neither available on vinyl nor CD, but they were important statements in the canon of the GDR subculture. Despite the miniscule number of original cassettes in circulation at the time many of the bands were popular in countercultural circles, a factor that made them highly suspect among the government’s own inner circles. tapetopia is edited by Henryk Gericke.
Other planned releases in the tapetopia series: Die Gehirne (Karl-Marx-Stadt), Klick & Aus (Berlin), The Local Moon (Berlin) and Corp Cruid (Berlin). More to follow...
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