ホーム | -----L > LAAPSDanny Clay "No More Darkness, No More Night" [CD]

Danny Clay "No More Darkness, No More Night" [CD]

価格: 2,387円(税込)
Label: LAAPS

当店にて長年激推しで販売を続けているLP作品[Stills]の制作者であるサンフランシスコのコンポーザーDanny Clay。LAAPSからは4年振りとなるクラシカル・アンビエント[No More Darkness, No More Night]を入荷。チェロ、ビオラ、バイオリンのアコースティック・アンサンブルのサポートを受けた完全にモダンクラシカルな仕上がりとなっており、自身はギターを使いスローな時間感覚を創出。マスタリングはGiuseppe Ielasi。

• Glass mastered CD, pantone
• Digisleeve : white cardboard 300 gm
• Outside : x 2 adhesive glossy paper
• Inside : thick paper card + x 2 stickers
• Hand numbered Limited edition to 150 copies, sealed (like old book)
Danny Clay is a composer who often utilizes classical instruments, open forms, found objects, analog media, and digital errata in his work. He has collaborated with musicians and ensembles throughout the US, including Kronos Quartet, Eighth Blackbird, Third Coast Percussion, Volti, the San Francisco Girls Chorus, Wu Man, Sarah Cahill, Phyllis Chen, the International Contemporary Ensemble (ICE), Ensemble Dal Niente, the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra, and others.

After 4 years since his last solo release ("Ocean Park" LAAPS04). Danny Clay comes back with "No More Darkness No more Night", which could be, maybe, or, finally, a follow-up from his previous work. a complete intimate and out-of-time piece evolving between ambient, chamber music and contemporary music.