ホーム | -----I > IIKKIAries Mond "Cut Off" [LP]

Aries Mond "Cut Off" [LP]

価格: 3,927円(税込)
Label: IIKKI - IIKKI008

2018年にフランスのクラシカル・アンビエントレーベルEilean Rec.より1stアルバムを発表(既に廃盤)、主にピアノに焦点を当てたミニマル&クラシカルなスタイルにて作品作りを行なっているフランス南部ピレネーの音楽家Aries Mond。毎度素晴らしいセンスのパッケージを提示する当店大推薦のレーベルIIKKIから2ndアルバムを発表。程よい厚みのリズム、気配の様な環境音、若干の加工で歪められたピアノ、全曲イメージのバランスが素晴らし過ぎる11の小作品集。180グラム重量盤。限定300部。

After his first works based on field recording, Aries Mond has started to work with music instruments in 2012, mainly focused on piano. His first album has been released on eilean rec. in 2018 and Cut Off is his second album. Aries Mond also composes music for contemporary theatre. He lives in southern of France, in the Pyrénées.

Dmitri Markov is a Russian documental photographer, social worker, volunteer and journalist from Pskov. His only camera is an iPhone, with a sharp eye he documents life in the ex-URSS without any artifice. His works are simply some everyday life’s scenes with a particular sense of beauty and a wonderful talent. He has been laureate from many international competitions. Cut Off is his second book.
« I like traveling around the country and taking pictures of ordinary lives of ordinary people. It is sad to hear people say that I capture the seamy side. I don’t see anything horrible in these pictures of mine. They are not just “social photography”, as many people see them, they are my personal encounters and scenes. Every added picture is like another chapter in my own history. And when I get asked why I go after “life’s unpleasant side”, I reply: “Because I’m part of it.” » (Dmitri Markov)