ホーム | -----N > New World RecordsJon Gibson "Relative Calm" [CD]

Jon Gibson "Relative Calm" [CD]

価格: 2,387円(税込)
Label: New World Records - 80783-2

60年代中期よりアメリカ前衛音楽の発展において重要な役割を果たし、スティーブ・ライヒ、フィリップ・グラス、テリー・ライリー、ラ・モンテ・ヤングら4大巨匠とも共演、70年代に残した二つのアルバム 1st [Visitations]、2nd [Two Solo Pieces]は超名作として知られるミニマリストのJon Gibson。本作は氏のファン、またミニマルミュージック愛好家には激推ししたい、米ミニマリズムの重要オペラ作品であるフィリップ・グラス"浜辺のアインシュタイン"のダンサーLucinda Childsの為の楽曲[Relative Calm]を含む81年音源集。自身がキーボードにて持続音を担当、非常に明るいイメージと軽快なテンポで突き進む表題曲はまさに神懸り的完成度となっており、他の楽曲では初期スタイルまでを堪能出来るという全曲高内容アルバム。大推薦。



Jon Gibson (b. 1940) is one of the less frequently mentioned pioneering composers of minimal music and is probably best known as a founding member of the Philip Glass Ensemble. Gibson also holds the unique distinction of having performed with Steve Reich, Terry Riley, and La Monte Young (as a member of the Theatre of Eternal Music), in addition to Glass, the four composers widely regarded as the founding fathers of minimal music. Gibson also has a track record of composing for modern and post-modern dance and Relative Calm (1981) is the fruit of one of his numerous collaborations with well-known choreographers, in this case Lucinda Childs, who commissioned the work. The rediscovery of Relative Calm, one of Gibson's major works, is cause for rejoicing among aficionados of minimalist music.