レーベルTroglosoundを主宰、当店が長年追い続けているJookloプロジェクトの仕掛け人であるイタリアのVirginia Genta率いるJooklo Trio。オリジナルは2019年にTroglosoundより自主出版、50部のみ制作しライブ会場でのみ販売したらしい極上レア音源[t is What It Is]がCDフォーマットにてオフィシャルリイシュー!!アンプリファイ&フィードバックを伴い加速を続ける爆音の渦、相変わらずの圧倒的な振切れ具合に圧倒されっぱなしの全6テイク。凄まじい一枚です。
This release captures what is sure to become a legendary coupling. Genta and her long-time-partner-in-crime David Vanzan plus one Brandon Lopez, all amasse under the moniker Jooklo Trio. As you can imagine the meeting plays out like a stellar collision, their sonic masses caught in an accelerating spiral and merged in a blast of power and intensity. Amplification, feedback, and distortion play a big part here, adding oxygen to the fire and making it roar with a white-hot blast furnace of free-jazz-punk energy. Lopez's sledgehammer bass playing is saturated in fuzz, and made all the more crushing by Vanzan's energetic avalanche of percussion. Genta's amplified tenor and sopranino saxophones light up their suffocating murk like rooster tails of sparks flying off the grinding wheel.... Lopez fits right in with the duo, and you can hear him and Genta throttling with the surges of percussion. "Smile of Insanity" might be the harshest piece on the album, with Genta peeling the paint off the walls in an almost unbroken narrative of respiratory aggression. On the fantastically titled "Trash Over Rice" the bass throbs within a web of death metal percussion. The din is punctuated with ecstatic banshee howling. The final track, "Shitty Kid" is manic with an incomprehensible energy given the intensity of the preceding tracks. Genta blows piercing serpentine lines in ceaseless variations, beckoning the cosmos with her purifying fire. Epic.
Nick Metzger - Free Jazz Blog
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