ホーム | -----D > DraftKplr "Voltaic Fits" [Cassette]

Kplr "Voltaic Fits" [Cassette]

価格: 1,067円(税込)
Label: Draft - D004

Gift Tapesのサブレーベルとして2010年に立ち上げられたエレクトロニクス/ビート系を中心に発表するレーベルDraft。この周辺のカセットファンにはお馴染みKplrの限定100部カセット。モジュラーシンセの電子音がビリビリとのたうつKeith Fullerton Whitmanっぽい作風。


KPLR takes synth music and electronics to a new extreme. This San Francisco based duo blends analog electronics with digital processing to create an odd cutup of semi-random, sometimes harsh, particles of sound. KPLR ventures into cold, uninhabited, automated realms that seem to shift focus from one second to the next. Voltaic Fits moves like a free jazz drummer at maximum speed, but sounds like a computer OD'n on amperes.