ホーム | -----O > Other MindsCharles Amirkhanian "Lexical Music" [CD]

Charles Amirkhanian "Lexical Music" [CD]

価格: 2,717円(税込)
Label: Other Minds OM 1023-2

個人的にオリジナル盤をかなり聴き込んだ超名作!!60年代に設立されたアメリカの前衛音楽レーベル1750 Arch Recordsが1979年にリリース、カリフォルニアの作曲家にして音響詩作家、ラジオプロデューサーのCharles Amirkhanianが残した1st LP[Lexical Music]のCD再発版。当時一部ではテキストサウンド・シーンの傑作とも評された一枚であり、その内容は単一の単語をひたすら繰り返し複雑な催眠反復に仕上げていくというもの。遊び心さえ感じる分かりやすいテキストと整理されたループが非常に心地良く、他の米テキスト系には無い妙なユーモアを生み出しています。全6曲激激オススメ!!




When Charles Amirkhanian’s Lexical Music was released on pioneering Bay Area record label 1750 Arch Records in 1980, it was heralded as a masterpiece of the then nascent text-sound poetry scene. The New York Times called Amirkhanian “expert at the sort of things his imitators do not do half so well as he.” Lexical Music is a sort of high water mark for American text-sound poetry; it sounds like nothing before or since.
Single words lose their meaning through repetition; nonsense phrases build into intricate hypnotic grooves. The wavering line between intelligible text and pure sound weaves throughout. Amirkhanian’s dry wit shines through, an absurdist touchpoint, and explores the nature of language and how our verbal comprehension is altered in the face of repetition, density, and acoustic space, both real and imagined.

"Amirkhanian masterfully challenges and plays with the borders between intelligible text and organized sound throughout the six works here." Andrew Timar, The Whole Note.

"One of the striking things about Amirkhanian’s work is the sense of humor and playfulness that courses through it…Despite often containing serious elements from his own life, humor is a pervasive influence, and a vitality that isn’t often found in other American text-sound work."
David Menestres, Music & Literature.