1947年6月8日ペンシルバニア州フィラデルフィア生まれ、ボーカリストであり作曲家、そして何より従来とは異なるボーカルテクニックの拡張の探求で知られ、71年から76年までフィリップ・グラス・アンサンブルのメンバーでもあった重鎮Joan La Barbara。本作はアルバムタイトル通り、ライヒのドラミング等に参加していた頃の最初期の没入型の重要作3曲を集めた2017年の新ミックスバージョン。[As Lightning Comes, In Flashes]、[Autumn Signal]という無敵の2作に加え、ARP 2600シンセを用いた[Cyclone]という初出の77年音源を収録。声のあらゆる可能性/テクニックを超越したまさしく最高峰の楽曲集です。
Joan La Barbara's controlled experiments into the limits of the human voice took her beyond music** Joan La Barbara is one of great figures in the history of the American musical avant-garde – holding equal standing as an innovator, composer, and performer. She has defined the field of extended vocal technique for the better part of half a century, pushing our understanding of the sonic possibility of the human voice – drawing on its primal root, and thrusting it into the unknown. Tragically, La Barbara has never entirely received the attention and recognition she deserves - often left lingering, or out of sight, in the shadow of her peers. This began to change in 2016 with Arc Light Edition’s reissue of her seminal solo debut from 1976, Voice Is The Original Instrument, an effort now furthered by The Early Immersive Music of Joan La Barbara, comprised of recordings from the same period - the latest release from the New York based imprint Mode Records, who, in recent years, have assembled one of the most remarkable catalogs of contemporary and historic avant-garde works.
La Barbara’s contribution is multi-pronged and hard to fully fathom. She entirely changed the landscape of what was considered creatively possible with the human voice, almost single-handedly sculpting the context we have inherited. A believer in democratic collaboration, she first emerged within the New York scene during the early 1970’s, as a contributor to the works of others - John Cage, Morton Feldman, Robert Ashley, Steve Reich, Sonic Arts Union, her husband Morton Subotnick, and countless other luminaries from the art and music worlds - a spirit and practice that she continues into the present. While there is no denying the power and importance of those works, it is her own solo efforts, much of which has lingered in obscurity, released by her own Wizard record and long out of print, within which some of the most important and revolutionary gestures in 20th century music can be found.
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