ホーム | -----T > thanatosis produktionMartin Kuchen "Det Forsvunnas Namn" [LP]

Martin Kuchen "Det Forsvunnas Namn" [LP]

価格: 3,927円(税込)
Label: thanatosis produktion - THTLP3

Chris Watsonが一部楽曲にフィールドレコーディングで参加&録音を担当した2020年の重要出版作!!1990年代半ばからスウェーデンの即興/フリージャズシーンで活躍、Mats Gustafsson率いる"Fire! Orchestra"や"Trondheim Jazz Orchestra"など超大所帯集団に数多く参加し、自らも作曲活動を行うMartin Küchen。サックスのソロを主とするアルバムでありながら、試聴の通り出て来るサウンドは得体の知れないオブスキュアなモノばかりで、Chris Watsonとの絡みでは野獣の咆哮やら環境音との一体化、他の楽曲ではダークアンビエント的アプローチまでと延々混沌としたイメージが続きます。大推薦。




all compositions by martin küchen (STIM/ncb), except "Sheer Life Asleep" and "Hippopotami mit Mensch" by martin küchen with recordings made by chris watson – "19. Elephants" and "05. Hippopotami" – taken from the album "Outside the Circle of Fire”, TOUCH TO 37). chris watson is published by Touch Music/Fairwood Music UK Ltd.
multitracked compositions: "Lilla Atmen Choir" and "Wasser töten, Luft töten".

Side A:
1. I
2. The Wind of the Unborn 3. Sheer Life Asleep
4. Unexit Here
5. Det försvunnas namn
Side B:
6. Hippopotami mit Mensch
7. Wasser töten, Luft töten
8. Lilla Atem Choir
9. Ditt öga i mitt öga sluter sitt stjärnvalv 10. The 5th of December 1931 02.00 AM

”Det försvunnas namn” (The Name of That Which is Lost) is the final part of a trilogy whose previous parts were "Hellstorm" (MTHK08) and "Lieber Heiland, laß uns sterben" (SOFA 560). The intensity is related between the discs; this time too it is a reduced, stringent and at the same time deeply expressive music where the saxophone's possibilities of expression are explored. In addition, a naked, quiet concluding statement permeates the last part of this trilogy, which was recorded in a church in southern Sweden.