ホーム | -----T > thanatosis produktionAlexander Zethson "Pole Of Inaccessibility" [2CD]

Alexander Zethson "Pole Of Inaccessibility" [2CD]

価格: 2,937円(税込)
Label: thanatosis produktion - tht1

Christer BothenやMartin Kuchenといった本国スウェーデンのマニアックな怪物達の音源を手掛けるthanatosis produktionを主宰、Mats Gustafsson率いる"Fire! Orchestra"、"Trondheim Jazz Orchestra"など超大所帯集団にも参加しつつ、独自のピアノ作品の追及にも勤しむピアニストにしてコンポーザーのAlexander Zethson。モートン・フェルドマンの諸作、フィリップ・コーナーのゴング作品に触発され制作したピアノの低音域にフォーカスした作品で、コルグMS20を使いピアノと共に重厚な干渉を発生させる激シブ且つクールな41分 & 58分の2曲からなる2CD。このレーベルの目指すべき所が理解出来る凄まじい一枚。



From the lower registers of the piano, a rumbling cloud of sound appears, in which sparkling overtones creates melodies and rhythms that points out the directions of the composition. In this sound world Earth meets Morton Feldman; meets Noto/Sakamoto; meets Philip Corner's piece "Gong" in its transcribed version for low strings. The Korg MS20 interferes now and then, making it impossible to clearly define the boundaries of the piano. The album download comes with a 99 page thesis in Swedish with reflections on the creation of the piece.

”The finest tribute that can be paid to these two discs of extended composition and improvisation is that the body is asleep while the unconscious mind is attuned at a much deeper level. Like the nidra experience, Zethson has created a meditative state where his music develops a new sense.”
– Mark Corroto, allaboutjazz.