ホーム | -----L > LAAPSTomotsugu Nakamura "Nothing Left Behind" [Clear + Purple LP]

Tomotsugu Nakamura "Nothing Left Behind" [Clear + Purple LP]

価格: 3,927円(税込)
Label: LAAPS

廃盤。SpekkのサブレーベルKaicoに諸作を残し、またシェフィールドのAudiobulb Recordsからもデビュー、そしてここLAAPSの初の日本人作家となった東京在住の音楽家兼グラフィックデザイナーTomotsugu Nakamura氏。当店にてかなりの人気を博した前作[Literature]から2年越しで発表された最新タイトル[Nothing Left Behind]。前作同様に程良い硬さのギターを主軸とした内容ですが、全体的にしっとりとした控えめなイメージで統一、小粒の音響断片やフィールド録音を使いスローな時間感覚を作り出しています。LP版はクリア・パープルヴァイナル仕様。限定300部。

• 12’’ marble vinyl (ultra-clear + purple)
• Matt laminated outer sleeve + pantone on 300 gm paper
• Hand numbered / Limited edition to 300 copies

Tomotsugu Nakamura is a musician and graphic designer residing in Tokyo, Japan. His primary artistic practice is to compose music with some fragments of minimal acoustic and electronic tones and some field recordings. In Concert, he has played with various genre of musicians and his works have been released by Kaico, Audiobulb Records, and more recently by the recent label LAAPS.

’’Nothing Left Behind’’ is his second release on LAAPS after his well acclaimed album "Literature" released in July 2020.