Nurse With WoundのサウンドエンジニアColin Potterのリミックスが入った[Sala B: Rupture]が2009年リリース当時当店にて人気を博した、主にBoring Machinesからの諸作で知られるイタリアはトリノを拠点に活動しているPaul Beauchamp。全く新しい方向性で制作したという3枚目のアルバム[Needs Must When The Devil Drives]。過去作の中心となっていたアコースティック楽器の使用から離れ「レコーディングスタジオそれ自体が楽器である」というブライアン・イーノのコンセプトを実行。音響合成とサンプリング音源のみを使い完成させたミニマムに絞り込んだ実験アンビエント。36分1曲という構成もメチャクチャ良いです。
After the critically acclaimed "Pondfire" (Boring Machines, 2015) and "Grey Mornings" (Boring Machines, 2017), Paul Beauchamp has taken a new direction with his third album, "Needs Must When the Devil Drives". With this work, a single track lasting a little over half an hour comprising several movements, Beauchamp has moved away from the use of acoustic instruments as sound sources and has instead followed the mantra of Brian Eno of "the recording studio is an instrument in itself". Included in this new direction of using solely synthesized and sampled sounds sources, Beauchamp has also begun to explore new territory by using elementary beats and percussion while still remaining connected to his minimal roots through his dedication to drones and ambient. "Needs Must When the Devil Drives" marks a turning point in Beauchamp's solo career as a natural evolution in his unique approach to research and sound design as a creative tool.
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