ホーム | -----S > SchemaFabio Fabor "Mr. Diabolicus - Mr. Mysterious" [CD]

Fabio Fabor "Mr. Diabolicus - Mr. Mysterious" [CD]

価格: 2,167円(税込)
Label: Schema - SCEB956

ライブラリーからジャズ、ブラジル音楽、レトロラウンジまで幅広く復刻を行うミラノSchema Recordsカタログの中でも激激オススメの実験作!!ジャズ、ファンク、サイケデリック、イージーリスニングによるライブラリー音楽を数多く手掛けた奇才作曲家Fabio Fabor。オリジナルは高額で取引されている1973年発表のカルト盤[Mr. Diabolicus - Mr. Mysterious]。当時イタリアのテレビで放送され視聴者を驚かせていた様ですが、このダークでありながらも、どこか中毒性の高いアンビエントとして機能している点が非常に面白く興味深い。Schema Recordsによる2017年の重要リイシュー版。





Given his fascination with obscure and esoteric topics, an interest that lasted throughout his whole career as a composer of library music, Fabio Fabor must have been diabolic and mysterious for real. The Milan-born composer, who passed away in 2011, had always showcased a darker side compared to other fellow musicians of his era. A side that is well portrayed in works like the famous masterpiece “Pape Satan”, or “Satanas”, which is included in the very accessible “B 81” (Serie Usignolo) or in this splendid and experimental “Mr. Diabolicus – Mr. Mysterious”. This is still a library music release, but it is kind of difficult to imagine TV or radio shows accompanied by tracks like “Neutroni”, “Mr. Mysterous”, “Fucina diabolica” or “Idillio Cosmico”.
We have nonetheless to acknowledge that in 1973 (the year this gem was released), Italian TV was often surprising the audience with innovative shows, likely to host music such as Fabor’s compositions – however, listening again to these 14 short compositions is still an extraordinary experience if we consider their impact and influence on contemporary music and on hip labels of our days like Ghost Box. “Sea Melody” e “Mare di ghiaccio” could have been taken from aquatic/biological-themed releases like “Ittiologia” o “Biologia Marina”, but the whole album quality is impressive. Along with “Pape Satan”, this is probably the best Fabio Fabor ever!