オリジナルはスイスのアヴァン・ジャズレーベルHat Hut Recordsより1980年にリリース、アメリカのジャズヴァイオリニストであるBilly Bangの1stソロアルバム[Distinction Without A Difference]をCorbett vs. Dempseyがリイシュー!!オリジナルテープからリマスター、そして同コンサート録音から新たに発見された5曲を追加した超大型拡張版。インプロヴィゼーションのクールさ、またヴァイオリン・ソロならではの優雅さが最高のクリエイティブミュージックとして提示された大推薦タイトル。オリジナルのアートワークを使った、カッチリとしたダブルジャケ。
The long out-of-print first solo record by American violinist Billy Bang (1947-2011), recorded in 1979 and first released on Hat Hut Records, featuring his own compositions, extrapolated at length in the intimate live concert, as well as traditional and improvised material. Remastered from original tapes and augmented by newly discovered recordings from the same concert. Part of the large cache of historical Hat Hut records that Corbett vs. Dempsey continues to release. Original cover, reprinted in all its glory with a tip-on gatefold. Classic American creative music on CD for the first time!
1. Improvisation for Sweet Space (Bang/5:39)
2. Loweski (Bang/8:01)
3. Part of a Distinction Without a Difference (Bang/3:46)
4. Theme for Masters (Bang/9:51)
5. Sometime Later (Bang/8:02)
6. Skip to my Lou (Traditional/4:01)
7. Prana (William Parker/8:13)*
8. Echo Vamp (Bang/6:53)*
9. Subway Ride with Giuseppi Logan (Bang/8:40)*
10. A Pebble is a Small Rock (Bang/7:12)
11. Fiddle in the Floodlight (Bang/6:35)*
Billy Bang, violin
Tracks 1-6 originally issued on hat Hut Records (HH1R04, 1980). All other tracks previously unissued.
Tracks 1-6 and 10 recorded by Peter Kuhn at Gaku Gallery, New York, August 12, 1979.
Tracks 7-9 and 11 recorded in Tilberg, Netherlands, October 29, 1978.
LP produced by Werner X. Uehlinger.
LP design by Klaus Baumgärtner. Photograph by Joe McPhee.
Remastered by Alex Inglezian at Experimental Sound Studio, Chicago.
CD design by David Giordano. Publication editor, Corbett vs. Dempsey, Emily Letourneau. CD produced by John Corbett.
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