ホーム | -----A > arbitraryMads Emil Nielsen "FRAMEWORK" [CD + Graphic scores]

Mads Emil Nielsen "FRAMEWORK" [CD + Graphic scores]

価格: 2,937円(税込)
Label: arbitrary - arbitrary01

限定50部でリプレス!!凄まじいクオリティの装丁&内容で知られるグラフィックスコア・シリーズ"Framework"、その他諸作においても素晴らしい音楽性を提示し続けているデンマーク孤高の作家Mads Emil Nielsen。その"Framework"シリーズの記念すべき第一弾としてリリースされたのがコレ。お馴染み美しい幾何学模様が描かれたグラフィックスコア14枚がバインダーブックとして付属し、その演奏結果をディスクに収録。他の音楽家をゲストに招いたシリーズ2以降とは異なる完全にMads Emil Nielsenのソロ作となっており、非常に硬派な電子音楽家としてのスタイルが凝縮されています。DLコード付き。

Framework is a series of graphic scores and recordings by Copenhagen-based musician Mads Emil Nielsen. Framework (1) consists of 14 hand-drawn graphic scores with simple instructions and a recording for each score.

Instructions: These 14 graphic scores may be played by any configuration of instruments and players - the recordings may be of any duration. Some of the scores are linear and may be read from left to right; others are meant as a conceptual inspiration for composition and performance. The balance between these two approaches is to be decided by the interpreter. A circle should be seen as a space, room or atmosphere. A line illustrates direction / time, and possibly a sustained tone. Smaller dots or points may be read as dust, drops, texture or granulation. 
An incomplete circle or square marked with an arrow signifies a loop / repetition, which consists of certain elements, if notated.

"The internal logic of this is quite specific - in places it reminds me of Gustavo Becerra-Schmidt's sparse Synthi studies, yet considerably more fleshed-out and multi-tracked - Nielsen clearly knows his way around his chosen instrument & the tightly controlled, flitting micro-events that make up each piece's "Orchestra" are extremely well chosen. Nielsen's thought process appears to be at a unique nexus of Cardew-styled pattern-notation experiments & "Live" - or more accurately, "Performed" Electronic Music & this set is definitely one-of-a-kind - plus I haven't seen a hand / home-made edition this thorough since Martijn Hohmann sent over that box of Universaal Kunst editions back in 2010."
- K. F. Whitman / Mimaroglu Music