ホーム | -----H > HelicopterRobert Turman / John Wiese "Solid State of Time" [CD]

Robert Turman / John Wiese "Solid State of Time" [CD]

価格: 2,387円(税込)
Label: Helicopter

活動最初期はNONの一員として活動、1977年のクラシックシングル[ModeOf Infection / Knife Ladder]に参加した後ソロ活動の追求を始め、今尚独自のエクスペリメンタルミュージックの創作を続ける重鎮Robert Turman。ここHelicopterの主宰者であり音楽家John Wieseとは初となるデュオ作を発表!!大きく2パートに分けられた楽曲[Solid State of Time]のみの収録となっており、即興的なアプローチで様々なサウンドを変容、そこより新たな実験の可能性を導き仕上げた極上のコンクレート音響。




Robert Turman is an American sound artist best known for his innovative and experimental work in the field of ambient and minimalism. John Wiese is a sound artist and composer known for his unique and innovative approach to sound and his ability to create complex, layered compositions that blur all boundaries.Turman and Wiese’s approach to composition is both experimental and post-improvisational. Building on a particular sound or texture, and using a variety of modifications to the sound, a process of constant experimentation and exploration into new possibilities allows their collaboration to evolve and develop in unexpected ways throughout. Together, they continue to create immersive and otherworldly paths that challenge our perceptions of space, time, and reality.