ホーム | -----N > New ForcesJeph Jerman / Joachim Nordwall "Topology" [CD]

Jeph Jerman / Joachim Nordwall "Topology" [CD]

価格: 2,387円(税込)
Label: New Forces

Hands Toの路線好きは是非!!80年代からHands To名義と並行してテクスチャー重視のフィールド&物音録音を制作し続けている個人的大推薦の作家Jeph Jerman。スウェーデンを代表する実験レーベルiDEAL RecordingsのオーナーJoachim Nordwallと共に作り上げた高内容共作[Topology]を入荷。Jeph Jermanが得意とするラフなフィールドレコーディングを機械的なサウンドとシームレスに融合、更にエレクトロニクスを加える事によりアグレッシブな表現に成功した高密度な5パート。米New Forcesの重要作。

Jeph Jerman (Hands To) and Joachim Nordwall (Organ of Corti) present "Topology," a stunning collaboration that brings out the best from both artists. Jerman's trademark field recordings are accentuated by Nordwall's electronics in a seamless fusion that simultaneously evokes the mechanical and the environmental. There are moments of subtle tension, but longtime fans of Jerman will note several instances of heightened intensity in his contribution that harken back to some of the more aggressive Hands To recordings. Nordwall is surgical on "Topology," a masterclass in blending two divergent approaches. An incredible album of sound exploration that is not to be missed.