2部構成となったテープと楽器の為の作品[Ephemere I & II]という未発表のレア音源を収録したCD。1974年のパート1はマルチ録音をベースとした言語と電子ドローンによる秀逸な幻想コンクレート27分、75年のパート2ではミニマルな反復ギターが導入され、それが徐々に砕けながら増幅、持続音と混じりながらサイケな空間を構築する全51分!!勿論Ina-Grmの10CDに収録されていないレアな作品です。
Remastered edition.
The Fox (1957) electronic music and voice
characters adapted from a folk song by Burl Ives
The Wolfman (1964) tape, voice and feedback
produced at the University of California at Davis by Composer-Performer Edition
first performed at Charlotte Moorman's "Festival of the Avant-Garde", New York, fall 1964
The Wolfman Tape (1964) tape-speed manipulation and mixes of many layers of "found" sounds
used as "sound environment" by Bob James for a jazz improvisation (ESP Records, 1965)
The Bottleman (1960) tape composition with contact microphones, loudspeaker, vocal and other "found" sounds
composed for a George Manupelli film of the same title; single-projection version
All tracks created, processed and mixed at Robert Ashley's studio in Ann Arbor, Michigan
Digipak with 12-page booklet
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