ホーム | -----M > Matchless RecordingsKen Ikeda, Eddie Prevost "The Whole Moon Rests In A Dewdrop On The Grass" [CD]

Ken Ikeda, Eddie Prevost "The Whole Moon Rests In A Dewdrop On The Grass" [CD]

価格: 2,387円(税込)
Label: Matchless Recordings - MRCD99

激激高内容!!横尾忠則の展示や、デビッド・リンチにも楽曲を提供、そしてパフォーマーとして、ジョン・ラッセル、デヴィッド・トゥープ、サイモン・スコット、中村としまる、秋山徹次、中島吏英とコラボレーションを行ってきたサウンド・アーティストのKen Ikeda。1960年代よりAMMの一員として、またフリーインプロヴィゼーション界の重鎮として知られているエディー・プレヴォーとの、2018年Cafe OTOでのデュオ演奏を収録した42分ノンストップのパフォーマンス音源!!エレクトロニクス & パーカッションという最小限のシステムで非常に抑揚のある演奏を展開、催眠的とも言える静かで絞り込んだ振動、またビリビリと空間を歪める激シブの倍音を発する、最初から最後までスリリング且つ優雅なテクニックを堪能出来る大推薦タイトル。




Rare duo set from Japanese musician and artist Ken Ikeda - who has composed and recorded for David Lynch and Moriko Mori amongst others - and English percussionist Eddie Prevost, the seminal figure of free improvised music since the 1960s. Eddie Prevost plays with immense fire, grace and invention. Founder of the essential AMM, collaborator of the greatest improvisers internationally, since the 60's he has kept a continuous contact with the scene and always manages to invent anew his contribution to "meta-music". Ken Ikeda (b. 1964, Japan) is a composer and performer, born in Tokyo. After studying at Berklee College of Music, he has exhibited sound art and visual installations around the world, and has worked with John Russell, Eddie Prevost, David Toop, Simon Scott, Toshimaru Nakamura, Tetuzi Akiyama and many other improvising musicians; He has collaborated with, amongst others, artist Mariko Mori, Hiroshi Sugimoto, Tadanori Yokoo; and composed and recorded for film maker David Lynch. He released CD albums from Touch, Spekk, Baskaru, White Paddy Mountain and Home Normal. Ken Ikeda currently lives and works in London, UK."-Cafe OTO