ホーム | -----A > AkuphoneChloe Despax & Felix Blume "Agua Larga: Traditional & Imaginary Cimarron Music" [LP + CD]

Chloe Despax & Felix Blume "Agua Larga: Traditional & Imaginary Cimarron Music" [LP + CD]

価格: 4,807円(税込)
Label: Akuphone

コンセプト、録音内容共に非常に完成度の高いフィールドレコーディングもの!!プライベートリリースにて大量のフィールドレコーディング音源を発表、Discrepantからも素晴らしい内容のLP音源を出版しているフィールドレコーディストFelix Blume、主にサウンドインスタレーションやラジオ番組の制作者として知られるChloe Despax、ドキュメント作品に強い2者が共作したアフロ・エクアドル文化の環境音作品集。主軸となるテーマは"水"であり、日常生活に関わる川岸や海沿い熱帯雨林の風景、そこに生息する虫や動物、現地の演奏家達によるプリミティブなセッションなど、どこを聴いても小気味良いリスニング体験を与えてくれます。尚ボーナストラック13曲を収録したCDが付属する凄いボリュームの作品。

* Glossy lamination sleeve
* 16-page booklet
* CD with full album + 13 bonus tracks
* Made in France

Agua Larga offers an immersion into the Afro-Ecuadorian culture of the province of Esmeraldas. The authors have captured how music is part of the daily life of the inhabitants, and how it interacts with the other sound elements that surround it. The musical material is thus accompanied by stories, poems and scenes of everyday life captured on the spot, far from aseptic studios, in public spaces, on river banks or by the sea.

The guiding theme is water ("agua" in Spanish), in all its forms. It was the sea that brought the slaves to this new continent, but it is the sea that supplies the fishermen of today with fish. The rivers and streams used by boats and pirogues connect the villages of this rainforest. Water has also become a rare commodity in the city, where access is still difficult for some of the population. Scenes taken on the spot will mark this omnipresence of water, as a place to live and a necessary daily resource.

This documentary project is intended as a sound testimony to an oral culture that is still too little known.