ホーム | -----A > AkuphoneMikado Koko "Maza Gusu" [LP]

Mikado Koko "Maza Gusu" [LP]

価格: 3,707円(税込)
Label: Akuphone - AKULP1029

以前、同レーベルAkuphoneが出版した日本の現行女性アンダーグラウンド作家にフォーカスした傑作V.A[Seito: In the Beginning, Woman Was the Sun]に参加していた、日本の伝統音楽の要素を取り入れ創作活動を行う大阪の電子音楽家Mikado Koko。遂に初となるソロ・アルバムをリリース!!日本の伝統的楽器を軸に構築されたユーモラスな電子音響/リズムが非常に面白く、試聴の通りおとぎ話の語りが大胆に使用されています。

On Maza Gusu, Mikado Koko transforms into Mother Goose, hissing Perrault's fairy tales from her native tongue in your ears. Her unsettling, regressive voice is backed up by a subtle and chilling electronic soundscape sprinkled with traditional Japanese instruments, creating a realm of sound that feels both weirdly familiar and deeply unknown. Mother Koko hurls you deep down the rabbit hole, back to your darkest childhood anguishes, before gently leading you by the hand to a joyful catharsis. As you slowly get used to its disturbing familiarity, Koko’s music feels like waking up in the pale morning light, shaky but relieved after a feverish dream.

In summer 2017 Mikado Koko started her solo career as a club music producer with the elements of Japanese traditional music. After many releases, remixes and compilations such as Seitō: In the Beginning, Woman Was the Sun (AKU1016), she now focuses on avant-garde poetry reading related to feminism and gender equality.

Japanese rhymes from Maza Gusu (1921) by Hakushu Kitahara
Music and spoken word by Mikado Koko