ホーム | -----L > LAAPSDag Rosenqvist "Vraen Centrum" [LP]

Dag Rosenqvist "Vraen Centrum" [LP]

価格: 3,927円(税込)
Label: LAAPS - 009

フランスIIKKIのサブレーベルLAAPSによる第9弾タイトル。現在まで30枚のアルバム、EP、カセット音源をリリース、2005年からサウンドアーティストとして本国スウェーデンにて活動を続けて来たDag Rosenqvist。まさにLAAPSらしい柔らかく霞むクラシカルなイメージにパキッとした硬い音響やリズムを絡め、映画のサントラっぽい物語性にて見事に完結させた素晴らしい流れの全10曲。IIKKI & LAAPSファンは勿論の事、硬質なエレクトロニクス好きにもお勧めの一枚。LP版は限定200。

Since 2005, Swedish sound artist Dag Rosenqvist has released 30 albums, EP’s and cassette tapes in different constellations, the main one being Jasper TX that was put to rest 2012. Other constellations include From The Mouth of The Sun, de la Mancha and The Silence Set. He has also collaborated with Machinefabriek, Mike Weis, Aaron Martin and Simon Scott and released albums on Miasmah, Fang Bomb, Experimedia and Kning Disk.

To start a second year, Laaps is glad to have his new album on board, a new turn on the Dag Rosenqvist's works, it could be a soundtrack and it should be. Between "Blade Runner", "Stranger Things", and "Dark",
Dag Rosenqvist has made his own chapter.