ホーム | -----O > OcoraTala'i - Musavi - Kiani "Iran: The Masters Of Music. Vol. 1" [CD]

Tala'i - Musavi - Kiani "Iran: The Masters Of Music. Vol. 1" [CD]

価格: 2,937円(税込)
Label: Ocora - C 561024

オリジナルは1991年にCD & カセットフォーマットにて同Ocoraより発表された名作ペルシアン・クラシカル[Iran: The Masters Of Music. Vol. 1]の2020年新装版!!ペルシャ音楽の洗練と創造を試みた3人の巨匠、Dariush Talai(タール)、Mohammad Musavi(ネイ)、 Majid Kiani(サントゥール)による70年代音源が収録されており、自由な即興メロディーより生み出された極上のイラン・インストゥルメンタル集。イラン音楽を徹底的に研究、その芸術的な構造及びそこからのインスピレーションを統合した傑作。18ページブックレットが一体となったデジパック。



The three masters Dariush Talâ'i (târ lute), Mohammad Musavi (neyf lute) and Majid Kiâni (santur dulcimer), present the refinement and creativity of Persian music: from the radif (canonical ensemble of melodic forms for each modal structure), they are free to improvise, find melodies and create according to their own taste… Nothing being more ephemeral than an oral tradition's music, in the mid-19th century, great musicians decided to preserve what they had salvaged of their ancient heritage for posterity. Collating musical material from the four corners of Iran, they formulated a model repertoire, the radif, designed to lead through methodical study to the very core of the art and its musical inspiration. The aim of creating the radif was to preserve not only melodies, but also modal structures which, in time, would have become hermetic and eventually extinct, without models at one's disposal to refer to.