ホーム | -----A > Another TimbreLinda Catlin Smith "Ballad" [CD]

Linda Catlin Smith "Ballad" [CD]

価格: 2,387円(税込)
Label: Another Timbre - at174

大推薦。当店では同Another Timbreからの全関連タイトルが人気を博している、自国カナダの前衛カセットマガジン"Musicworks"の監修を80年代に行なっていた重要女性作曲家Linda Catlin Smith。今回発表されたのは2010年に一度ドイツのMaria de Alvear World Editionからリリースされていた、ピアノとチェロによる45分の長編[Ballad]のApartment House演奏バージョン。限られたシンプルなバリエーションにて美しく沈み込む情景を描き続ける文句なしの超傑作。

Two pieces for cello and piano by Canadian composer Linda Catlin Smith, both performed by Anton Lukoszevieze (cello) and Kerry Yong (piano)

"In Ballad (45 minutes in duration) I was extending myself into a longer work; I wanted to make a work that could be the entire concert, that could unfold over a longer time. With Through the Low Hills (10 minutes), I was working with a very restricted vocabulary in a process of constrained variation, working and re-working just a few elements. I felt like I had an object in my hands and was turning it over and over, looking at it from different angles. With Ballad, it felt more like a journey where I was discovering unfamiliar terrains."