お見逃しなく、1981年のクラシック・マスターピースが遂に初CD化!!Nurse With Woundの1st[Chance Meeting...]や、[To The Quiet Men From A Tiny Girl]に参加した初期メンバーHeman Pathakと、Dave Hodes、John Grieveからなる英国の奇天烈ダダイストグループHastings of Malawi。1981年にRough TradeとVirgin Recordsによって配給された名作カルト1st[Vibrant Stapler Obscures Characteristic Growth]が初のCDリイシュー!!ドラム、クラリネット、シンセサイザー、ピアノによる不穏なセッション、そしてスタジオ周辺にあった古いレコードや料理本、更には電話音声などをコラージュする、まさに唯一無二な爛れまくりのダダ的音世界。マスト。
A classic masterpiece from 1981, never re-released on CD before. Originally 1000 copies pressed on orange/red vinyl. 120 copies were sold through Rough Trade and Virgin Records. 800 copies were bought and later destroyed by the United Dairies label, makin this record even more rare. Hastings of Malawi were Heman Pathak, David Hodes and John Grieve. They recorded the album in one night in 1981 with no plan and no idea of what they were doing. They played drums, clarinet, synthesiser and piano but also made use of things that they found lying around the studio – old records, cookery books, telephone directories and a telephone. The recordings were played down the phone to randomly dialled numbers and the reactions added to the recording. All three had been involved in the recording of the first Nurse with Wound album Chance Meeting On A Dissecting Table Of A Sewing Machine And An Umbrella and had contributedmetal scrapings, piano, effects, clarinet and guitar during the session. Full tracklist: 1. Pineapple Magnate / Kid Corn 2. Boeuf En Crut / Sexist / Intravenous.
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