ホーム | -----I > IIKKITomotsugu Nakamura "For A Fleeting Moment" [White LP]

Tomotsugu Nakamura "For A Fleeting Moment" [White LP]

価格: 4,037円(税込)
Label: IIKKI

LP版はホワイトヴァイナル仕様。SpekkのサブレーベルKaicoに諸作を残し、またシェフィールドのAudiobulb Recordsからもデビュー、そして姉妹レーベルLAAPSの初の日本人作家となった東京在住の音楽家兼グラフィックデザイナーTomotsugu Nakamura氏。当店にてかなりの人気を博した2020年[Literature]、2022年[Nothing Left Behind]、そして本作は親レーベルのIIKKIからの出版となった2024年作[For A Fleeting Moment]。アコースティック要素を多めに取り入れていた前二作とは少し異なり、丸みのある電子音響を点描的に静謐に落とし続ける12曲を収録。非常に気持ちの良い内容です。

• Cutting lacquer
• 12’’ White LP
• Selective UV varnish (front + back)
• Matt laminated outer sleeve on 300 gm paper, black inner with empty hole
• Hand numbered / Limited edition to 250 copies

"For A Fleeting Moment" is the result of the dialogue between the Swiss photographer Simone Kappeler and the Japanese musician Tomotsugu Nakamura initiated by IIKKI, between March 2023 and May 2024.

the complete project works in two physical imprints:
a book and a disc (vinyl/cd)
it should be experienced in different ways :
the book read alone
the disc listened to alone
the book and the disc read and listened to together.


Tomotsugu Nakamura is a musician and graphic designer residing in Tokyo, Japan. His primary artistic practice is to compose music with some fragments of minimal acoustic and electronic tones and some field recordings. In Concert, he he has played with various genre of musicians and his works have been released by Kaico, Audiobulb Records, and more recently by the French label LAAPS.