ホーム | -----A > AkuphoneAk’chamel "A Mournful Kingdom of Sand" [LP]

Ak’chamel "A Mournful Kingdom of Sand" [LP]

価格: 3,707円(税込)
Label: Akuphone

待望の2nd LPがリリース!!1950年代初頭から現行のシーンまでの奇怪なグローバルポップ及びフォークミュージックに焦点を当てたリリースを行うフランスAkuphone。2020年に同レーベルより出版した1st LP[The Totemist]があらゆる方面より高評価を受けた謎多き実験サイケデリック・プロジェクトAk'chamelの新作!!手作りの衣装とマスクを身に纏い、アメリカ中の様々なフェスに出演しては奇怪なパフォーマンスを披露している人物で、本作では前作よりも難解に仕上げた圧巻のリズムトラックで勝負。ユニークとカルトのバランスが絶妙な全7曲。

The cabalistic duo Ak’chamel strikes again with a second record called A Mournful Kingdom of Sand. Following the publicly and critically acclaimed The Totemist (AKU1023) released in 2020, this album sucks the listener into another esoteric journey which - according to the band - is a perfect soundtrack for the desertification of our world.

Ak’chamel, The Giver of Illness is an enigmatic duo from a border state. Fourth World Post-Colonial Cultural Cannibalists Circumcising The Foreskin of Enlightenment. Performing in homemade costumes and masks, they have played festivals in various cities around the U.S gaining international attention from Vice, The Wire, Tiny Mix Tapes, Consequence of Sound, and many more. They have amassed over 10 cassette albums and 1 VHS full length film.