ホーム | -----C > Creel PoneV.A "3ª Bienal Americana De Arte" [2CD-R]

V.A "3ª Bienal Americana De Arte" [2CD-R]

価格: 2,827円(税込)
Label: Creel Pone CP 255 CD

1966年にアルゼンチンのコルドバで開催されたイベント"Bienal Americana De Arte"に合わせて制作された、アヴァン&電子音楽マニア垂涎のコレクターズアイテムがCreel Poneに登場!!ジョン・ケージ、ゴードン・ムンマ、クリスチャン・ウォルフ、モートン・フェルドマン、ルジャレン・ヒラー、ホラシオ・ヴァギオーニといった米スーパースターが集結した最高峰のV.A作品であり、オリジナルは2LPのボックス仕様で出版されていたもの。説明不要、最初から最後まで米前衛界の非常に濃い部分を堪能出来る全16曲。マスト。

Summer 2021, 55th-anniversary reproduction (handily issued as CP 255) of this absurdly rare 1966 "Private" festival edition assembled for the titular October 1966 event held in Córdoba, Argentina.

Covering (disc/LP-1) Tape & Electronic Music by organizers Horacio Vaggione & Pedro Echarte, along with pieces by José Vicente Asuar, Edgardo Cantón, Alcides Lanza, and international participants Gerald Strang, Gordon Mumma, & Lejaren Hiller followed by (disc/LP-2) performances of largely instrument-and-tape pieces by Virgilio Tosco, Oscar Bazán, and international participants Morton Feldman, Ernst Krenek, Earle Brown, Christian Wolff, and John Cage by Vaggione, Echarte, Bazan, Antonio Tauriello & Gerardo Gandini.

It should go without saying (esp. given the personnel) that this music has gone almost entirely unheard in the interim, offering up a King's Ransom in Latin American Early Electro-Acoustic music to the initiated. While every effort has been made to resuscitate the audio materials from a less-than-ideal copy (the only one any of us have managed to turn up in 15 years) there is the occasional rough patch of deviation from the intended fidelities (please be kind). Regardless, and undoubtedly appealing prospect, and along with the Tacuabé "Composiciones Electroacusticas" series (CP 130-131) & the various Cuban surveys (CP 120, CP 170-171, 220-221) this should fill in the (many) gaps.