ホーム | -----E > elsewhereGiovanni Di Domenico / Silvia Tarozzi / Emmanuel Holterbach "L​’​Occhio Del Vedere" [CD]

Giovanni Di Domenico / Silvia Tarozzi / Emmanuel Holterbach "L​’​Occhio Del Vedere" [CD]

価格: 2,497円(税込)
Label: elsewhere

これは凄まじい共同録音。。。当店激推しの音楽家3者のコラボ作が登場!!ジム・オルークを含む様々な音楽家と共演し高内容な作品を数多く残しているイタリア人ピアニストGiovanni Di Domenico、フランスの重鎮作曲家エリアン・ラディーグの長年のコラボレーターである即興演奏家Silvia Tarozz、そして90年代前半よりミュージックコンクレート作曲家/サウンドアーティストとして活動しラディーグの伝記なども書いているEmmanuel Holterbach、ソロでも素晴らしい活動を展開している3者が米elsewhereより出版した共作!!ピアノ、ヴァイオリン、フレームドラムより放たれるまばらなメロディーが、約1時間の間静謐な浮き沈みを繰り返し神秘的な情景を描く絶妙なアンビエンス。「緊張と解放、調和と不協和音の完璧なバランス」とGiovanni Di Domenicoの言葉にありますが、見事にその表現に成功しています。

L'Occhio Del Vedere is a one-hour piece by the trio of Giovanni Di Domenico (piano), Silvia Tarozzi (violin, 1/16th-tone violin), and Emmanuel Holterbach (large frame drum). In July 2022, while Di Domenico was working on an artistic residency at the GMEA in Albi, France, he made a trio recording with Tarozzi and Holterbach, which was later completed by Di Domenico as a one-hour piece.

Within the framework of a "triptych" structure, sparse melodies emerge discreetly and repeatedly from the three instruments, each time with slightly different textures. The delicate sounds created by the three musicians intersect, sometimes harmoniously, sometimes distantly, beautifully delineating a multidimensional expanse of space with a wide dynamic range and a mysterious atmosphere.

“We tried to find the perfect balance of tension and release, of consonance and dissonance - all this forms a very suspended feeling albeit the inside, the core of it, has a warm soul.” — Giovanni Di Domenico