ホーム | -----N > New ForcesAaron Dilloway & Jeph Jerman "Casual Collisions" [CD]

Aaron Dilloway & Jeph Jerman "Casual Collisions" [CD]

価格: 2,277円(税込)
Label: New Forces

待望のリイシュー!!オリジナルは2013年にJeph Jermanが自身のセルフリリースCD-Rシリーズの一つとして出版。リリース当時は当店にてかなりの人気を博した、現在も精力的に活動を続ける超人気作家Aaron DillowayとJeph Jermanによる傑作共同録音[Casual Collisions]がリマスター仕様にて遂にCD再発!!Jeph Jermanがガキゴキとした無造作なジャンク・サウンドを放ち、それをAaron Dillowayが粘り気の強いテープ加工にてデロデロに引き伸ばす非常に濃密な4編のセッション。BJ Nilsenがリマスターを担当、パッケージはオリジナルのアートワークを使った6パネルデジパック。


Casual Collisions is a collaborative album by two of the most prominent voices in experimental sound, Aaron Dilloway and Jerph Jerman. Recorded in 2013 and originally self-released on CDR by Jerman in a small edition, New Forces and White Centipede Noise are pleased to make these recordings widely available for the first time. Across four tracks the unique voices of these artists meld seamlessly together. Jerman's tactile, physical sounds are wrapped up in Dilloway's magnetic wizardry. Damaged electronics and hissing tapes form the canvas on which objects crunch, grind, and clatter. Temporality blurs as field recordings, loops, and live acoustic sounds meld together in sonic alchemy. Two masters in perfect sync. Remastered by BJ Nilsen, packaged in a full color 6-panel digipack.