ホーム | -----R > Recorded FieldsRobert Curgenven "Beyond Enclosures" [3 × CD]

Robert Curgenven "Beyond Enclosures" [3 × CD]

価格: 3,487円(税込)
Label: Recorded Fields - RFE05

空間の鳴りを見事に使った超名演、これはお見逃しなく!!個人的大推薦作家Robert Curgenvenが激高内容の3CD作品を発表!!活動初期は自主レーベルより"サウンドアトラス"という秀逸な環境音シリーズを発表、その後は実験的手法及び持続音作品を出版しているオーストラリアのサウンドアーティストのRobert Curgenven。アルヴィン・ルシエ、エリアン・ラディーグ、マリー・シェーファー巨匠らを敬愛する人物で、本作は氏の作品の中で最も大掛かりなシステムを使った大規模録音。巨大な教会に設置されたパイプオルガンとピアノ、カスタムメイドのビニールを鳴らすターンテーブル、現場のフィールドレコーディング、それらが共鳴する様にフィードバックで空間に放たれる、もはやインスタレーションやサウンドアートの枠を軽々と超えた凄まじい領域の音記録。2021年重要出版ブツ。

Recorded Fields Editions | RFE05 | 3CD + digital
3CD set in hand-folded paper cover

1. Bardo (RFE06) - 1 track - 60mins
2. SPECTRES (RFE07) - 5 tracks - 43mins
3. Bronze Lands (RFE08) - 1 track with 6 index points - 50mins

The 3 albums that comprise this set all, at their heart, concern air and the attendant inter-permeability and fluidity of volumes – be they discretionary or open volumes, architectural or spatiotemporal. Each volume is subject to the specificities of: their resonance; concomitant movements of volumes of air; their locational context and adjacent spaces. The 3 albums present different harmonic, gestural and durational possibilities to encourage us to step out of the perceptual frameworks that enclose us. Each album offers a unique instrumental foundation: experimental turntable techniques inter-woven with piano & pipe organ harmonics (Bardo); resonant architectural interventions in post-Communist architectures and their locational context via custom-made oscillators (SPECTRES); extended pipe organ techniques with an accompanying soundsystem that plumb architectural harmonics and corporeal resonances (Bronze Lands). These works entreat us to think and hear beyond the structures enclosing each instrumental- and performance- approach – the turntable body, the architectural, the pipe organ, the speaker enclosure itself, even the confines of an audience as a gathering – and also to consider these longform works as an inter-related suite of aural and conceptual worlds.