数多くの名演録音を残し2017年に惜しくも他界した重鎮パーカッショニストZ'EVことStefan Joel Weisser。氏の秀逸な3つのソロ演奏を纏めたイタリアSilentesによるCDタイトル[The Deep Path]。怒涛のノイジー乱打を聞かせるというものでは無く、ゴング、シンバル、金属ブツを使いトンネル内部に点描的な音を放つシンプルなな周期的演奏。巨大で深く、時には爆発的な響きも登場するミニマルな超名演。
A monumental album featuring three impressive tracks in which Z'EV (mythical avant-garde experimental artist, percussion master and world wide performer), collects and exhibits brave and incredible sonic solutions, mixing and alternating enormous, deep and sometimes exploding and devastating sound masses based on low frequencies, to noisy metallic sounds, gongs and cymbal stratification... all oriented in temporary resounding "tunnels", where sonic elements are mixed through suggestive cyclic echoes and reverberations, infinite pauses, joining and integrating to other sonic tracks, for an important and unique listening experience. An unmissable masterpiece
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