ホーム | -----C > Creel PoneU.S. Steel Cello Ensemble "Sounds Of Nothing, Bitter Suites" [CD-R]

U.S. Steel Cello Ensemble "Sounds Of Nothing, Bitter Suites" [CD-R]

価格: 1,947円(税込)
Label: Creel Pone CP 000.06 CD

巨大な鉄板を弓で擦り上げる自作楽器"Bow Chime"を使い燻し銀の摩擦ドローンを奏でるボストンの巨匠Robert Rutman。オリジナルは1976年にプライベートリリーされ今まで一度もリイシューされていないレア音源[Sounds Of Nothing]と、一度Holidays RecordsがLP再発した1979年作[Bitter Suites]を纏めたCreel Pone編集版。鉄板より発せられる極太のメタリックテクスチャーも凄まじいですが、やはりRobert Rutmanならではの演奏の構成が見事。名作。

This was the sixth of the ca. 2004 "Proto Creel Pone" titles, compiling both of (then) Boston-area Sound Sculptor & Composer Robert Rutman's mid-late 70s Private Press affairs (the former on "Art Supermarket", the latter on "RutDog") on a single disc. Credited to the U.S. Steel Cello Ensemble (after the giant swaths of sheet metal of Rutman's devising bowed & struck to create these unearthly timbres) these sessions are the apex (still) of the intersection between self-built Experimental Instrument designs & ungodly low-end shriek. While the latter of the two LPs was in fact reissued by Holidays on vinyl about 8 years back, the former has been a tough pull for decades.