ホーム | -----C > Creel PoneFranca Sacchi "Ho Sempre Desiderato Avere..., Essere +" [CD-R]

Franca Sacchi "Ho Sempre Desiderato Avere..., Essere +" [CD-R]

価格: 2,057円(税込)
Label: Creel Pone CP 000.07 CD

個人的にオリジナル盤をかなり聞き込んだ名作!!作曲家、ピアニストにして、イタリア初期電子音楽界の数少ない女性作家であるFranca Sacchi。Die Schachtelより2006年にリリースされた電子ドローン作[En]も凄まじい内容でしたが、こちらは彼女の真骨頂的ピアノ音源!!現在は高額で取引される1973年作[o Sempre Desiderato Avere...]と1975年の[Essere]、2枚のレアLPを纏めた非常にお得な1枚であり、ミニマルコンポジションからフリーインプロヴィゼーションまで、異次元の拡張テクニックを聞くことが出来る最強のインストゥルメンタルワークス。

This was the seventh of the ca. 2004 "Proto Creel Pone" titles, collecting both of Italian Composer Franca Sacchi's Private Press (Edizioni Toselli [F.S. 001, 1973] & Edizioni Musicala [F.S. 002, 1975], respectively) LPs of Instrumental Works (the former consists of two extended pieces for Solo Piano; the latter Flute & "Inside" Piano ruminations). Although primarily known for her Electro-Acoustic works (as issued in the interim by Die Schachtel) these two suites of Minimal Modern Compositions are extremely inviting; intimate & laced with the sort of extended techniques & intuitive-leaning explorations more commonly associated with Free Improvisation.

The disc concludes with a bonus track covering a related-but-unrelated flexidisc included with Marcello Morandini's 1968 monograph offering just shy of 4 minutes of in-situ recordings of "Seven Sonorous Canes hung in front of a panel in such a way that the visitor can strike them and make the musical notes do/re/mi/fa/sol/la/si" as performed/captured/edited by Sacchi that year.