ホーム | -----B > Buh RecordsMiguel Flores "Lorca: Lost Tapes (1989​-​1991)" [LP]

Miguel Flores "Lorca: Lost Tapes (1989​-​1991)" [LP]

価格: 4,037円(税込)
Label: Buh Records - BR121

大推薦!![Primitivo]と合わせて是非!!60年代半ばよりドラマー、マルチインストゥルメンタリストとしてキャリアをスタート、ハードロックバンドからペルーの民族音楽グループに所属し多くの演奏スタイルに挑戦し続けた奇才Miguel Flores。同レーベルより83年の初期ソロ録音[Primitivo]がリリースされていますが、こちらは今回が初出となる1989​~1991年までの秘蔵音源を編集し纏めた[Lorca: Lost Tapes]。スペインの偉大な劇作家/詩人フェデリコ・ガルシーア・ロルカの生涯に触発されたユニーク且つアヴァンな楽曲が並び、フラメンコからアフロペルーのサウンド、ボーカル実験、効果音のモンタージュまで様々な手法が用いられています。

Buh Records is proud to present a new album by Peruvian composer and musician Miguel Flores. “Lorca: Lost Tapes (1989-1991)” recovers recordings made for stage works inspired by the life and work of the great Spanish playwright Federico García Lorca. It is an atmospheric and minimalist album, where we find flamenco airs, Andean and Afro-Peruvian sounds, vocal experimentation and various sound effects, all stiched together in a simple but creative studio montage, which turns these pieces into a dreammy landscape.

A member of several rock bands in the seventies, Flores began an intense period of sound experimentation towards the end of that decade, building a large archive that has remained unpublished. His experimental work became known internationally with the publication of “Primitivo” (Buh Records, 2015), which rescued unpublished recordings of 1983, only presented live at the time, and which represents a high point in the fascinating movement of Peruvian experimental music from the late seventies and early eighties, animated by such artists as Arturo Ruiz del Pozo, Manongo Mujica and Luis David Aguilar. Andean and Amazonian sounds, ancestral evocations, coexisted with the instrumentation and musical resources of free improvisation, concrete and cosmic music.

“Lorca: Lost Tapes (1989-1991)” is published for the first time, and in vinyl format, as part of the Essential Sounds collection, with which Buh Records presents a series of fundamental works of the Peruvian musical avant-garde.